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Meet Miranda Dixon: 

Growing up all I ever wanted to be was an artist. I dreamt of going to art school, touring the world and becoming a famous painter. My some of the earliest memories start in the make shift dark room my mother had made, in our small apartment in central Maine. I remember standing on her feet watching her develop images of our family, as she listened to, terrible, angry indy chick music. I remember her allowing me to paint on the walls of our house, and never being upset if I accidentally painted on one of our seven Maine coon cats. She always taught, to think outside of the box, and to follow my dreams no matter where they bring me.   


In the spring of 2012 I started the Art program at one of our state universities, where I concentrated in sculpture. While there, I met some of the kindest people I had ever had the pleasure of knowing. These people picked me up off of the studio floors after one too many bad days. They brought me food and coffee, when they knew I forgot to eat. We laughed, and they wiped my tears. They were patient and slow to anger. They always told me that I would be somebody. They gave me the best times of my life, and some of the hardest laughs. They showed me compassion that I had never seen. They also reminded me that for the worst or for better, humans will always be humans, and honestly there is something beautiful about that.

There are dreams that I never got to. There are I loves you's that were never said. There is work that never got made, and things that were taken for granted. I have many regrets,  and they haunt me every day.

My work will forever echo of all of that. 

Never forget to dream because sometimes at the end of the day it's all we have. When we're stuck in a dark corner counting our failures, instead count our dreams. When the world is crashing down, and people fail you, instead count the beautiful people in our lives who love you. People will always fail. Thats the beauty of human nature. I fail, you fail, and so doesn't everyone else. Its our gift, and our curse.

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